
The Princeton Experimental Laboratory for the Social Sciences (PExL) is part of the Economics Department at Princeton University. It was founded in 2018 by Professor Leeat Yariv, who acts as its director.

Affiliated Faculty

Roland Bénabou
Roland Bénabou
Theodore A. Wells ’29 Professor of Economics and Public Affairs
Alin Coman
Alin Coman
Assistant Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs
Ilyana Kuziemko
Ilyana Kuziemko
Professor of Economics
Harvey Lederman
Harvey Lederman
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Adrien Matray
Adrien Matray
Assistant Professor of Economics
Pietro Ortoleva
Pietro Ortoleva
Professor of Economics and Public Affairs
Eldar Shafir
Eldar Shafir
Class of 1987 Professor of Behavioral Science and Public Policy
Juan Pablo Xandri Antuña
Juan Pablo Xandri Antuña
Assistant Professor of Economics
Leeat Yariv
Leeat Yariv
Uwe E. Reinhardt Professor of Economics
Director, Princeton Experimental Laboratory for the Social Sciences (PExL)

Affiliated Students

Pellumb Reshidi
Pellumb Reshidi
Graduate Student of Economics


Brent Bigler
Brent Bigler
Website Manager
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